Wednesday, November 29, 2006

tijani always love playing cak cak (masak masak, cooking)

later on, tia found a duck to feed, a watering can and a ladle to cook..

tia stir her cooking...

she said she's making fried chicken (ayam goreng)

she feed the duck with her tasty fried chicken..she even feed everyone in the house..

after done feeding us, she watered the plants and flowers

tijani had so much fun with her new toys!

click here to see more photos of tijani

Friday, November 24, 2006

Last couple of weeks, tijani screamed and cried her little heart out and stomped and threw such a tantrum in the car, while she was on the way to kakak harim house.
so, mummy decided to stop by at jaya jusco to
pujuk her.

tijani pick barbie...

and she tried on couple of sunglasses, she thought this one looked cool on her..

so, tijani decided to take the barbie doll and the purple sunglass ...

tijani waited anxiously for the big kakak to wrap her toys...

later on, tijani went to the arcade and hop onto the hello kitty car...
but wait, she don't want hello kitty...

she want to try on the merry go round...

and tijani felt good afterward.
the end

Saturday, November 18, 2006

After our Langkawi trip, Tijani was admitted to Pantai Putri Ipoh Hospital for fever, this was her room 2016

After one day Tijani recover from her fever and she is seen playing with her toys. We also bought Superman toy, she just loves superman and called it 'superyen' . . .

Daddy brought her little books . . .
. . . more books . . .
. . . playing with her 'kokok' (the chicken) . . .
. . . books again!
. . . itsy bitsy spider . . . and her baby. . .
. . . ehmmm. . . i am the boss!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

how nice and good tijani had been when kakak arim and nikki baby sit her last week..

tijani brings her lion to go lepaking at mamak!